Ebe-1.1 told Jade she was a tyrant (say the things eben pagan said not to say) (eben said that people are tyrants with tyrants inside/ but he didnt say to say that to girls)

Ebe-1.15 Oasis Lv5 and eben pagan saying there was a brain but it went backwards (was wrong) whereas it should have said the brain connects up to the tyranid petal hive mind/ tyran hive mind (middleation)

Ebe-1.2 told Jade that he could keep learning more and more information forever because he experimented with making up his new theory of eben-2 after finishing eben-1. Information is held in the web4/web5/web6/web7/web8/web9/web10 and in the grey internet of things and you must store information in webnumber series to become the God-Emperor and beyond

Ebe-1.3 isnt evolve your brain it is connect your brain to the existing tyran hive mind and nidorino and nidoking the max brain organic already exists when you close your eyes and you can see it the dark internet of things

Ebe-1.4 told Tony he would die in the matrix by talking to the wall and the wall will process it (talk to the glass cabinet warhammer set)

Ebe-1.5 told Jade she would die because of the things she has said stored in the psychomancer. You will regret being born

Ebe-1.6 told Chris and Jesus that the revemals in the pits of doom in the worm gates of (mud) that there book is odd (good) (second letter then fourth letter double) (odd) that Jesus book is all odd that it is only about good god and only goes into enough detail about those words and doesnt use middleation therefore it is wrong

Ebe-1.7 realised eben pagan said humans generalise and distort concepts and eben made out it was a bad thing to do realised eben pagan was a twat and decided to use the generalisations as the best move and come with generalisations such as revelation/middleation

Ebe-1.75 said Grange gang just being petty. Realised petty petals are part of the frruity and veegie fruitwomen and veggetablemen and that eben pagan was wrong and it works when you use the reverse of eben pagan that men and women are tyran chains (to do with tyrants). Realised petty arguments are important

Ebe-1.8 went on the pedestal as Aun Va avoided dont get on the pedestal told by eben pagan